General Questions

Our platform provides information about cryptocurrencies, testnets, airdrops, and other activities. You can earn tokens by participating and learning more.

You earn tokens by participating in testnets, airdrops, and other activities, the information about which is available on our platform.

The premium subscription offers access to extended analysis and a larger volume of information. You can also influence the platform’s development.

To upgrade to the premium subscription, you need to transfer 20 USDT per month to the wallet address provided in your account. After making the transfer, please contact us and provide the sending wallet address.

No, there is no guaranteed profit. All activities in cryptocurrencies carry risks.

The platform is absolutely secure for your data. You don’t make transactions directly on this platform.

Yes, you can sell your tokens on other platforms.

We accept only transfers in USDT to our cryptocurrency wallet.

Yes, you just don’t renew it with a monthly payment.

Referral System Questions

The referral system allows you to invite new users and save on subscriptions. Each new user receives a unique referral code that can be used during registration. When your friend both premium subscribe using the referral code, you both get a 25% discount on monthly subscription.

Your discounts accumulate based on the number of users who subscribe using your referral code. For example, for each new user on your list, you can earn an additional discount. Upon reaching 4 or more new subscribers, you can even receive a free monthly subscription to the premium plan.

You can check your referral status on your referral page. There, you’ll see the number of users who have subscribed using your code, as well as the discounts you can receive on future subscriptions.

It’s easy! Simply contact us through the contact form on payment page and let us know that you’d like to activate your discounts or receive a free subscription. 

Our referral system is a cost-effective way to save on subscriptions and even get them for free. Enhance your website experience with exciting features and benefit from actively recommending our service to other users.

Account Settings Questions​​

You can’t change your username, but you can change your e-mail.

Yes, you have the option to delete your account on the account page.

Yes, you can recover your password using the “Forgot Password?” feature on the login page.

The password must contain at least 8 characters, including numbers and both upper and lower case letters.

These are just a few of the most common questions. If you have any other inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team through the contact form .

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